"tortured logic", indeed. Find a mirror.


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yo @neontaster brug...you are missing pronouns in your bio. go grab a soy snack and update that. thanks.

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All correct except this is not a traditional vaccine with promised and expected immunity is it? People call it a vaccine but it is gene therapy with no promised immunity or change of freedoms, so what is the point.

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Or, Noam, no one really knows what the hell is going on because 1) we've been on the downside curve of Farr's Law since vax programs kicked into gear, so who knows their effectiveness 2) None of the clinical trials for each vax enlisted the vulnerable, so who knows their effectiveness 3) who knows the effectiveness of a vax that targets a virus such a great many easily shed?

My bet is another wave will hit us, maybe come spring, maybe next Fall. I'll wait till after is subsides - when damage becomes known - to decide if vax is worth it or not. I pray it's true that the vaccines greatly decrease deaths.

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And Dr Fauci is the worst in this department

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This is all very disheartening to witness. Perhaps I'm overly pessimistic, but the west seems increasingly unable to coalesce around obvious truths. Perhaps that's the result of the politicization of everything. The trajectory of things is worrisome.

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I found this NYT article very interesting: Western Warnings Tarnish Covid Vaccines the World Badly Needs https://nyti.ms/3dXXZAq

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